Have a very Metallic Christmas!
Deck the streets with tinfoil holly!
Clinky, clanky, blinky, clink, clank, clunk!
Holly holly's not as jolly!
Clinky, clanky, blinky, clink, clank, clunk!
Red and green no longer say it
Orange and blue, orange and blue, puce, puce, puce!
All the TV stations bray it,
Clinky, clanky, blinky, clink, clank, clunk!
Drink we now the Christmas spirit!
Tinsel, tansel, tunsel, rip, crash, dip!
It's November first! Let's hear it!
Tinsel, tansel, tunsel, rip, crash, dip!
Only forty shopping days so
Hurry up! Hurry up! buy, buy, buy!
Local merchants seem to say so,
Tinsel, tansel, tunsel, rip, crash, dip!
Fast away October passes,
Rustle, wrestle, wristle, push, shove, pull!
To the stores, ye lads and lasses!
Rustle, wrestle, wristle, push, shove, pull!
Here's a gift for sweet Aunt Minnie,
Charge it up, charge it up, never pay!
Only two more months to go. I'll
Never get it wrapped by Christmas Day!
(To be sung to the tune of Silent Night, if possible!)
(From Save the Wine for Me Another Day by Herbert Burtis)