While this blog is really dedicated to talking about music and singers, in particular, I feel compelled to say something about the debacle that is going on in Washington over Health Care. As far as the slogan of the Senate and House goes: 'We don't care'! They are all trying to cover their asses so they will be re-elected at the next election. 'To Hell with the American people'!
I have to single out the Senator from my neighboring state of Connecticut as the biggest a-hole of them all. Nothing makes me happier that I am a citizen of Massachusetts than his re-election. I hope the voters of Connecticut are as happy about him as I am. Unfortunately, they are stuck with him for another two and a half years.
He will apparently do anything to gain the spotlight. He doesn't want a public option; he doesn't want an extension of Medicare. But he wants to keep his A-Plus Federal Government Insurance, you can bet! He is the ultimate 'We don't care' health plan provider. He is also the Senator from the state that has more insurance companies in it to pay his bills than about anywhere else!
When he comes on TV I do the same thing with him that I did with George W. Bush for eight years; I hit the mute button. I can't stand that shit-eating smile of his.
If only that would work in real life. Both the smile and the mute!
If he has his way, nothing good will come out of Washington for this possible relief for millions of Americans who have little or no health care options. We will continue to pay, through our taxes and increased insurance payments, for the millions of people who wind up in Emergency Rooms with no insurance, and for whom we wind up paying enormous amounts of money for their last week of life, which probably wouldn't be their last week if they had had a way of getting health care at a reasonable cost throughout their life, and which might have let them live healthier lives.
We are the richest country in the world, we spend more money on health care, but have a shorter life-span than people in most European countries have who have a health care plan that covers everyone from cradle to grave. In France, even if you are not a citizen, you get full coverage. And we have the nerve to berate the French! Freedom fries! Gimme a break!
Whew! It was good to get this off my chest.
Now, back to singing: on Sunday I will see a live film from La Scala, Milano of Monteverdi's Orfeo. That will get me back where I belong in music! But not for long. I'll let you know how I like it.