Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas 2009 at Rood Hill Farm

Christmas 2009
Alas, dear friends, it's been a while
Since I have tried to make you smile
At foibles rare and stories merry.
So I've saddled up my dromedary
And plan to do a little better
In sending out a Christmas letter.
Now that we have dumped the Bushes
We all have less pain in our tushes!
And Yoyo Ma, and yes, yo' Mama
Are doing well with B. Obama.
It would be great if he could do
All the things he's promised to.
But our Congress is the pits.
All it does is give me fits!
We should really fire the bunch.
Then I'll take you all to lunch!
Bon Noël to kin and kith
And all my colleagues up at Smith.
To friends at home and friends away
I send you cheer on Christmas Day.
In January I got busy
Traveling 'round. It made me dizzy.
Peg and I to Puerto Rico
Singing loudly, 'Tico-tico'.
Then to Florida once, no twice!
Seeing cousins. That was nice.
February, off to GLAD
To fight for things that make me mad.
An activist at seventy-eight
Meant quite a lot to fill my plate.
But someone has to take a stand
To bring equality to our land!
Then in March we did the deed;
Filed the suit to fill a need.
Only time and strength can do it
If lazy Congress e'er gets to it.
March was filled with interviews
Once the press received the news.
'Don't be mad and don't be peevy;
'Specially when you're seen on TV.
April brought a wondrous Saul.
The Harvard Choir just had a ball.
Ed Jones led the joyous mob;
Nat and Janet did their job.
They're the best to come along
Bringing splendor in their song.
Friends and singers from the past
Showed how friendship's made to last.
John remembered by a throng
In majesty and love and song.
May brought Cabarets galore
In Sandisfield and at the Shore.
Peg to sing and I to croak
Made a supercilious joke.
Then in June, did something vital:
Played an actual keyboard recital.
July and August lots of pals
Came to visit, guys and gals.
Then, dear friends, I put my tux on
And did a gig with Rachel Luxon.
I went Dutch in gay September:
New York City. I remember
Living there in 1950
Gosh, those days were really nifty.
Traced my lineage to the roots
From Alberti and his off-shoots.
October, published A Wet Noodle
Covering the whole kit 'n caboodle
Of how to play with speed and ease
Leschetizky in a breeze.
Fall Break- Off to hot Savannah;
Could have used an iced cabana!
Lovely houses, squares to see
But flat is not my cup of tea.
While staying there: quite an alarm!
A crocodile bit off an arm
Of a fellow sinking putts.
Not for me, dears, I'd be nuts
To wander round with club in hand
And then to lose it in the sand.
They sliced the croc to find the arm
And reattached it. So no harm.
I'll let you know if it still works.
Don't play golf where this thing lurks!
Why not take up table tennis
Where crocodiles will seldom menace.
To Jan and Jerry's for Thanksgiving;
They really help you know you're living.
Soup to nuts, a great repast;
Gourmet food from first to last.
Though my mind is in a fog
I began to write a BLOG!
Topics: Music, also Singers.
I have writ some real humdingers!
It feels good to poetize,
Cast my words before your eyes.
Do my best to make it scan
And rhyme according to my plan.
So my dears, I've had my say
Wishing you a happy day
And an even happier year.
Keep the faith, be of good cheer.
May your Christmas Day be cosy
May your cheeks stay bright and rosy.
This is how my greeting ends:
Christmas love to all my friends!