'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose'. That's the romantic picture of New England in winter.
We have had more snow and ice this winter than I ever remember in fifty winters in New England. I was fortunate to miss a few of them while I was in Puerto Rico for three weeks, but I'm making up for lost time now.
Today, the last day of February, we usually see some sign of Spring. Looking out of my studio window, all I see is that every twig is sheathed in ice. My poor birds, the Chickadees, Finches, Tufted Titmice, and a female Cardinal, are perching on frozen twigs to wait their turn at my three feeders. I have not seen the male Cardinal so I don't know if she is a widow or if they've had a divorce. Do birds get divorces?
While everyone else prefers the two feeders filled with sun-flower seed, she seems to like the one with 'the low-priced feed' for some reason. She gets it all to herself.
I haven't tried to budge from the house today. I would probably break my neck. And as for 'chestnuts roasting', I have never liked chestnuts and an open fire brings on my allergies. Give me my Franklin gas stove!
So much for romance.