Thursday, January 27, 2011

Amor mio!

I have fallen in love with Walgreens!

As embarrassing as it is to write that sentence, it is the gospel truth. As a depression baby, I admit to looking for ways to save money, especially when I am staying at an expensive vacation hotel. I am also looking forward to spending next January and February in a condo next door to this hotel next winter and I like to plan ahead.

While there are several nice restaurants withing walking distance to the hotel, and while I dine there from time to time, once in a while I just want a sandwich for supper.

The Walgreens just down the block from the hotel, and right across the street from next year's condo, is simply amazing in the variety of items it stocks. Maybe all Walgreens have this same combination of things we can't live without, but since this is the first Walgreens I've been in for a while, I was amazed!

I get my continental breakfast here at the hotel: a Quesita and a Majorca with tea and pineapple juice. But from there I'm on my own. I find I can get lunch and the occasional supper from Walgreens right across the street. Once I'm living here next winter, I can add breakfast to the items I can buy there. Cereal, eggs, milk, cheese, lettuce, you name it

There is a Super Mercado about a fifteen minite walk from here where I went today to get fresh fruit and a few other items, but other than that, it's Walgreens for me! The walk is good for me, but I don't want to carry too heavy a load of groceries home with me. Next winter I will call a cab to come home from the Mercado when I have too much to carry.

There are two very nice restaurants within walking distance: Mi Casita and a Chinese restaurant. Mi Casita is muy tipico. We had lunch there on Sunday when my friends from Connecticut, Elisa and Joe, joined me for the day. Their cruise ship docked early that morning in old San Juan and their flight to Bradley didn't leave until 7:00 p.m. that night. At Mi Casita Elisa and I had a wonderful grilled chicken salad with a pitcher of delicious Sangria, and Joe had chicken with rice and beans. Everything was great. We sat on the beach, we sat on the balcony, we strolled around, and had a great time together. The other night I ate at the Chinese restaurant and had a very good Orange Chicken. I seem to be on a chicken frenzy! There are a couple of other restaurants withing walking distance which I will try in the next few days. 

But tonight it was a ham and cheese sandwich from Walgreens.

God, I love that place!