I know that I said that this BLOG would be about music and musicians, but having spent the last few days seeing a Pulmonologist, a Physician's Assistant, and an X-Ray Technician to try to get rid of a Sinus-Bronchitis infection that was generously given to me by one of my dear students (who shall remain nameless, but whom I shall call Typhoid Mary, for this purpose), which was making me very, very ill, I have had a lot of time to think about the Health Care debacle that has been going on in Washington for the past year.
As a loyal life-long Democrat, I am as disgusted with that party as I am with the Republicans, the Libertarians, the Tea Baggers, and any other political group which is out there posturing wildly against a health reform plan while so many people in this country can't do what I was just able to do this week. The reason that I was able to receive all of this medical expertise is because I pay AARP through the nose every month for my 'gap' insurance to have it available. With my history of asthma and quintuple heart by-pass, I would be dead if I didn't have this kind of coverage. I am fortunate enough to be able to pay the premiums. A lot of folks are in a different boat; one that is sinking fast.
These political groups, especially our Senators and Congresspeople, who have excellent health care plans of their own, seem unwilling to provide this same benefit for the rest of the country, and especially for the less fortunate among us. Crying Socialism, Government Takeover, and I don't know what, they run to their own doctors any time they wish, while many in our country die after a few days in an ER, because they have not been able to get preventative treatment prior to their last week of life. We are really paying for this week for them anyway through our own excessive insurance fees. Dying isn't free!
I guess the response of these politicians is a historic one: 'Let them eat cake!.' Well. Mr. and Ms. Politician, do you remember what happened to the lady who said that? She didn't need any more health care after that remark! Mme. de Farge just may be waiting in the wings to take care of you at the end of the story.
I have had two different Pharmacists in the past week or so (I also saw one of them today!) tell me that the pharmaceutical companies have been raising prices on all their medications to get a jump on any control the Government may place on their pricing fees.
Is this the great American Way?
I suggest to the entire Congress of this great country that they stop raising money for their re-election, taking large donations from lobbyists, whose only end game is self aggrandizement, get off their butts and pass a health reform bill. Not to do so is immoral and criminal.