We started by wandering through the Chicago Garden Show on Navy Pier, which I thought was underwhelming. Then on to a Dover Sole dinner at Riva, also on the pier, which was definitely overwhelming!!
Then to Chicago Shakespeare Theatre to see Dunsinane, a play by David Greig, which pretends to be a sequel to Shakespeare's Macbeth.
Well, Mr. Greig is no Shakespeare. Dunsinane takes place after Macbeth's death, leaving lady Macbeth, now called Gruach, as Queen of Scotland. The British are anxious to have her marry Malcom, their choice for King, whom she would rather not marry. The action involves a lot of bloodshed with the Brits killing as many Scots as possible including Gruach's son, the next in line for the throne. Siward, the commander of the British forces falls in love with Gruach but his love is not returned. She finally escapes to a remote part of Scotland where he follows her, only to be sent away.
I had a hard time getting involved with the plot. For one thing, for the first ten minutes I could not understand a word that was being said in the strong Scots accent the cast was using. As the play progressed some of them relaxed the brogue and it became more understandable. Siward shouted most of his lines which made it difficult to understand as well.
The cast included Darrell D'Silva as Siward, Siobhan Redmond as Gruach, and Ewan Donald as Malcom. A large supporting cast moved up and down the aisles of the theatre creating a lot of action.
I would not choose this as my favorite play.