Appawently, Dr. Wuth had twouble pwonouncing the letter 'R'. This, like any speech defect, is unfortunate and I should not be making fun of it. But the actress who portrayed her, Debra Jo Rupp, or possibly Julie Boyd, the director, made such a big deal of this problem that I was ready to scream by the end of the first act. I was hoping that Dr. Ruth had somehow taken advantage of a course in Speech Therapy between Acts I and II.
No such luck.
Every single 'R' for two hours was lovingly pronounced as a 'W'. Remember the Japanese water torture?
Having never really seen or heard Dr. Ruth much in her radio and television heyday, I have no idea how pronounced (pardon the pun) this problem is in real life. But it was, to me at least, terribly annoying in the play.
Then there is the matter of the play, or non-play, as may be. It covers the tragic story of the life of Ruth K. Westheimer, who escaped from Nazi Germany after her parents had been taken away, later to die in a concentration camp, her life in Israel, Paris, and finally Washington Heights in New York City. Her three marriages, two children, and her rise to become a famous sex therapist on radio and television.
While Ms. Rupp played the role with a good bit of emotion, I was just never convinced that it was real. I am not a playright, but somehow this should have come off better.
The rest of the audience cheered at the end, so I guess I am just a grumpy old man.
So sue me!