Tonight David and I saw the Capitol Steps, the satirical branch of the U.S. Government, if you discount the House of Representatives, at Cranwell in Lenox. They are an endless supply of wit and jollity at the expense of the Federal Government and other pointless institutions.
Bari Biern
The cast included Bari Biern, Mike Caurrthers, Morgan Duncan, Janet Davidson Gordon,and Mike Tilford. The amazing keyboard player was Marc Irwin, who played the whole show from memory.
Mike Carruthers
The very funny sketches included How to succeed in Congress without really Lying, Embattled Hymn of the Republicans, and so on. Biting satire that was not for sissies- or Republicans.
Morgan Duncan
We began the evening at Sloane's Tavern on the Cranwell grounds with a delicious dinner and saw our neighbor Sue, who was there with a group from her work.
Janet Davidson Gordon
The mansion at Cranwell was built in 1894 and is one of the 'Berkshire Cottages', as they were then known.
Fifty room mansions that were only used in the summer months by the ultra rich when they were not at their homes in New York City, Palm Beach, or Paris. It's quite a place.
(Sorry about the double pictures of Marc Irwin. The foibles of Blog Site!)
Mike Tilford on the right
Marc Irwin, piano