I have been telling myself and others for a number of years that I did not have another book in me. I have published two books on vocal technique, Sing On! Sing On! and Vocalizing from the Ground Up, a book on piano technique, as espoused by Theodor Leschetizky, How to Make you Arm into a Wet Noodle, and a book of poetry Save the Wine for Me Another Day. I also penned a mystery novel that takes place in the Berkshires that has been lost in one of my previous computers. I figured that I had done my bit.
Not so, apparently. Recently, in the midst of practicing three hours a day to prepare a long-delayed solo piano recital, I found that I had so much energy left over that I surprised myself and wrote another book!
It is called Case Studies in Vocal Pedagogy and details work that I have done with students where Psychology had to work hand in hand with Music. I have turned out about a hundred pages that I hope are interesting, amusing at times, and helpful.
The title makes it sound like a very pedantic, scientific tome, but it isn't. That just seemed like a good title. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope it will be fun to read.
Chapter One 'Boo-Hoo Betty'
Chapter Two 'Can't Sing Those Low Notes'
Chapter Three 'Can't Hit Those High Notes'.
Chapter Four 'Dealing with a Six-Pack'.
Chapter Five 'Tight as a Tick'.
Chapter Six 'Wunderkind''
Chapter Seven 'Hit and Run'.
Chapter Eight 'I Give Up'.
Chapter Nine 'Lorraine'.
The book is available by writing to me at: Herbert Burtis, 53 Rood Hill Road, Sandisfield, MA 01255, and including a check made out to Ferris Burtis Foundation for $20.00. The proceeds will go to the Ferris Burtis Music Foundation which supports the education and careers of young classical musicians. The amount over the cost of the book and mailing is tax deductible.