Monday, November 16, 2009

I have called my blog 'Alberti talks' in honor of my original family name, which traces back to 16th century Venice in 1564. Pietro Cesare Alberti was my first ancestor to come to the New World in 1625 and is recognized as the first Italian to settle here. My production company is Alberti Productions and is available through my website:

I will from time to time post my thoughts on the world of music in general and on the world of singing in particular. Having been involved in music since the age of 9, I still have some thoughts on the subject and am not sure at 'pushing 80' I have enough steam to write another book.

The three books I have written are: Sing On! Sing On!, A Guide to the Life-long enjoyment of the voice, published by ECS in Boston, MA, Vocalizing from the Ground Up!, published by Alberti Productions, and How to make you arm into a wet noodle, Theodor Leschetizky: His Life, His Method, and his successors, also published by Alberti Productions. All three books are available through my website: I have also published a book of poetry: And Save the Wine for me Another Day, published by Alberti Productions.